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God-Realization 신-깨달음의 영적 여정....... 삶의 목적은 우주적인 자아와 동일시되는 것입니다. 그래서 무한한 지복, 파워, 지식 (전지, 전능, 지복)을 경험하는 것입니다. - 아바타 메허 바바


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Baba then addressed all those present in the room: "Among all the women in the world, Godavri's heart is [one of] the purest and I love her very much — much, much more than she could ever love me!"

Coming out of the room, Baba went and sat under a tree. Meanwhile, a woman devotee of Swami Sivananda, named Satchitananda Mata of Ceylon, arrived at Sakori. In the name of Swami Sivananda, she was conducting the Divine Life Society in the area, and had come to Sakori seeking a personal interview with Baba. Accompanied by Eruch, Baba took Mata to a secluded spot and gave her a private interview for a few minutes.

Afterward, Baba came back and sat under the tree again. He asked for a rubber ball. One was immediately brought, and he told the kanyas and others to try to catch it. In a playful mood, he began throwing it here and there for some time, which provided much delight to the kanyas and devotees. Baba then sent them away for their lunch and he went to Yeshwant Rao's, where several people were waiting for his darshan. When Baba sat down, Rustom Kaka started singing and those present took darshan.

In a short while there was a pile of garlands, and after the darshan Baba went to Maharaj's hut and sat under a pandal for a meeting. Godavri came and took her seat near Baba. Baba asked, "Did you have your food and did you give the prasad to the kanyas?"

She replied smiling, "Yes, Baba." The rays of the Avatar's divine love pervaded Sakori that day, and those present experienced a close intimacy in his love.

Baba then commented:

During the Meherabad Sahavas program I have given many discourses and explained many things to the devotees who had gathered around me. One of the subjects on which I laid great emphasis was "posing." What does posing mean? It means to make a show outwardly of what you are really not inwardly. God forgives everything, but I tell you the truth that the one thing He does not forgive is hypocrisy.

Two months before the sahavas, news reached me that in the course of a kirtan organized by one of my devotees at a place in U.P., a child, in whose house the kirtan was in progress, died and was again restored to life by the devotee.

This information did not please me. On the contrary, I began thinking that it would have been better had my devotee, who was performing the kirtan, died instead!

Baba continued:

There are persons on the spiritual path who have riddhi-siddhi [occult powers of the fourth plane] at their command. They can even raise the dead. But thereby they themselves fall into the trap of illusion. Do not expect any display of powers from me! You see the sun and its light and think that it is something great and powerful. But in reality the sun, its power and brilliance are but shadows of the Reality. And the fun is that the shadow is the seventh shadow of the power, brilliance, light and beauty at the command of and wielded by a Sadguru — which he uses for the betterment of humanity.

A man on the sixth plane of consciousness is also helpless [to realize God] and can never advance further without the help of a Sadguru. I was in Eternal Bliss, but Maharaj tied everything — this whole universe — around my neck. I am eternally free, and yet I get myself bound.

Singing began again. Taking a pillow, Baba began playing on it like a tabla. Suddenly, Baba was merged within himself, his fingers flicking rapidly up and down. He closed his eyes and gave a few brisk jerks to his right leg, as if kicking something away. The mood lasted for two minutes.

Coming out of the hut, Baba began playing marbles on the ground. Godavri, all the kanyas and most of the residents of the ashram were present. Godavri had been very keen to see Baba play marbles and had sent word to him not to begin until she arrived.

Baba continued shooting marbles for several minutes, then remarked, "I play so well because from the beginning of time, I have been playing with the universe!

"In ancient times, rishis and munis played this game and it has deep significance. To win the game, the player has to hit the marble in play fourteen times before he is declared the winner. This striking fourteen times signifies the seven 'descents' and seven 'ascents' of the divine sport of consciousness before final Realization is achieved."

Baba next visited Godavri's room, where he was swung in Maharaj's swing. Someone brought a white rabbit inside, and keeping it on his lap Baba petted it for a while before handing it back to Godavri. Eruch commented that Baba loved Sheba the mare and that she was now in Satara. Whenever he offered Sheba carrots, she gave him a kiss.

Baba urged the kanyas, "All of you continue to love Godavri."

Just then the clock struck the hour and one kanya responded, "The clock has confirmed Baba's wish!" Those present laughed, delighting in Baba's holy company.

Baba asked them, "Who among you can sing well?" One girl came forward, and a harmonium and tabla were sent for.

Meanwhile, Baba advised Godavri, "Take proper care of your health. Don't travel during the summer heat. Even your staying here in summer is not good for your health. You should go to some hill station in May. Mussoorie is beautiful in May. It is a very pleasant place."

After the girl sang, Baba remarked, "After six months, I have to go to America for a fortnight and to England for two days. In the West, a film star [Linda Christian] read God Speaks, and she has developed great regard and love for me.  From 15 February, I will be going into retirement for a year, and my visit to America and England will be during the retirement period. When I return, I will continue my seclusion until 15 February 1957."

Baba added, "I seem happy to you all today. I played marbles, played ball and cut jokes with you, but in reality none of you understands me and the work I have to do. I am the very same Krishna, Ram and a number of others whom you have read and heard about."

Baba asked Kumar to repeat the story of Krishna and his blessings. Kumar narrated the incident: "It is said that when Uttara's son Parikshit was born, he was stillborn. Krishna said, 'I have performed no miracles, but if I have never spoken a lie, if I have never broken promises given, if I have never done anything harmful to others — only then let the child breathe with life!' "

Baba commented, "The child did become alive to the surprise of all, but the prayer offered by Krishna was a source of great amusement. Krishna had knowingly emphasized all his apparent drawbacks, playing upon the minds of his kith and kin and his devotees in order to open their eyes to the fact that all that he appeared to say was in fact only appearances. And whatever he actually said, he fulfilled every word of it.

posted by 有然(유연)