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God-Realization 신-깨달음의 영적 여정....... 삶의 목적은 우주적인 자아와 동일시되는 것입니다. 그래서 무한한 지복, 파워, 지식 (전지, 전능, 지복)을 경험하는 것입니다. - 아바타 메허 바바


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하나님 체험

우리 삶의 숨이요 생명이신 하나님은
오직 정직한 사랑을 통해서만 체험할 수 있습니다.

- 메허 바바

God, who is the breath and life of our lives, can only be experienced through honest love.

23 March 1953,
Dehra Dun,
BG p6-7

Since, in the very beginning, imagination gave a twist to substance, and importance to shadow, we, who are eternally free, find ourselves bound, having lost our original self in the maze of illusion. Therefore, despite possessing infinite bliss, we have to experience misery, worries, doubts, failure and helplessness. When in a flash real knowledge comes, we are not what we seem, but are that infinite one. All worries disappear, because in reality sukh (pleasure) and dukh (misery) do not exist. To get rid of this persistent ignorance and to know the true value of reality, we have to experience God; and God, who is the breath and life of our lives, can only be experienced through honest love.

23 March 1953,
Dehra Dun,
BG p6-7

posted by 有然(유연)